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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             handful of doctors only.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               For his immense contribution in the field of medicine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and gastroenterology, Dr Prakash was awarded Padmashree
                                                                                admashree Dr Vijay Prakash needs no   Since the very beginning, Vijay Prakash secured                                                                                                        by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam (the then President of India) in
                                                                                introduction. A veteran gastroenterologist,   first position in all his classes. Later he got selected                                                                                       2003.  He  superannuated  from  Patna  Medical  College  in
                                                                                retired professor at Patna Medical College,   for admission in the prestigious Neterhat School                                                                                               February 2021.
                                                                               and a multi super speciality hospital founder,   which was considered the best school in the then                                                                                               Post-retirement,  driven  by  his  indomitable  spirit  to
                                                                              he is an outstanding example of ‘once a topper   combined  state  of  Bihar  and  Jharkhand.  Vijay                                                                                            serve the mankind, Dr Vijay Prakash, established Big Apollo
                                                                            always a topper’ Born as the third child of his mother   Prakash topped the list of the successful candidates                                                                                    Spectra Hospital, a multi super speciality hospital in Patna.
                                                                            Kamla  Devi  and  father  Assistant  Sub  Inspector   in the entrance test for admission in this school                                                                                          At this hospital, state-of-the-art treatment is provided at
                                                                            Ramdutt Singh, Dr Vijay Prakash has an interesting   in the year 1965. Later, he remained topper all                                                                                             affordable  cost.  The  institute  is  growing  by  leaps  and
                                                                            story related to his birth as his mother claimed to   throughout  his  school  years.  He  completed  his                                                                                        bounds under his astute leadership as Senior Consultant
                                                                            have dreamt of the birth of an exceptional child a   schooling in 1971 and was awarded the distinction                                                                                           and Director. His wife Dr Rashmi is currently serving as
                                                                            few days before the expected delivery.  of being the “Best Outgoing Student” of Neterhat                                                                                                         Head of the Department of Community Medicine at Patna
                                                                               Born  on  19th  February  1954  in  Banka   School that year. Thereafter, he secured admission                                                                                                Medical College. His son Ravi assists him in his professional
                                                                            Government hospital and later at the age of four, he   in St. Xavier’s College Ranchi for higher studies, and                                                                                    work  and  his  daughter  Ritu  and  her  husband  Saket  are
                                                                             was admitted in a Mission School at Kahalgaon,   emerged as the University Topper in 1972.                                                                                                      serving as associate professors respectively in Critical Care
                                                                               which was a sleepy village at that time. His father   After completing his academics, Vijay Prakash                                                                                           and GI Surgery at IGIMS, Patna.
                                                                                 decided to leave his family at Kahalgaon, so   joined Patna Medical College and graduated in                                                                                                  Despite being in his late sixties, Dr Vijay Prakash leads
                                                                                   that  the  hassles  of  children’s  frequent   1978. There he also found his soulmate ‘Rashmi’                                                                                            an active lifestyle and looks forward to achieve many more
                                                                                     school  change  could  be  avoided   who was studying in the same medical college and                                                                                                   feats ahead.
                                                                                      with  his  each  transfer.  He  wanted   was a year junior to him.
                                                                                        them to get enough opportunity   Dr Vijay Prakash further secured his admission                           period  of 32 years  and guided  a   Dr Prakash has authored and
                                                                                         to gain proper education to   at the prestigious PGI Chandigarh through an All                           large  number  of  undergraduate  and   got  published  a  large  number  of
                                                                                          have a successful career and   India  competitive  exam and completed his MD                            post-graduate  students.  Many  of  his   articles in various medical journals,
                                                                                            bright  future  ahead  and  to   from there in 1982 with an exceptionally high score                  students are now successful doctors.   besides  participating  in  national  and
                                                                                             overcome the extreme   as topper in his branch. Subsequently, he joined the                          With the passage of time, he became   international conferences. He has been
                                                                                               backwardness  of  their   then upcoming Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical                         head of the department of medicine   a member of the Governing Council
                                                                                                rural  background.  His   Sciences (IGIMS) as its first doctor on 27the July                      and took it to commanding height.   of National Board of Examinations
                                                                                                 efforts  and  sacrifice   1984. In 1988, Dr Prakash went to UK, where he                         He also founded the department of   (NBE)  as  well  as  Executive  Council
                                                                                                   bore  fruit  and  all   completed MRCP successfully in a record time of                        gastroenterology at Patna Medical   of Medical Council of India – a rare
                                                                                                    his   children,  just four months.                                                            College.                      distinction to have been achieved by a
                                                                                                      inc luding      For  such  a  well-qualified  person  all  doors  of
                                                                                                      Vijay Prakash   opportunities  were  open,  but  Dr  Prakash  chose
                                                                                                       excelled  in  to join Patna Medical College to work as Assistant
                                                                                                         studies.  Professor in 1990 due to his strong attachment to
                                                                                                                   his roots. At this institution, he taught for a long
                                                                                                                                                                                                      For his immense contribution in the field
                                                                                                                                                                                                        of medicine and gastroenterology, Dr
                Padmashree Dr Vijay Prakash                                                                                                                                                          Dr APJ Abdul Kalam (the then President
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Prakash was awarded Padmashree by

                                                                                                                                                                                                     of India) in 2003. He superannuated from
                Milestones All The Way                                                                                                                                                               Patna Medical College in February 2021.
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