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 Dr. Swasti Singh is Senior Gynecologist and
 Obstetrician and Former President of Indian Medical   whole life there devoting himself to Hindi literature. His
                                first book ‘Paanful’ got published in 1954 at the age of 24
 Association, Azamgarh and Former Present of   only. He was the man who taught Swasti to be strong and    Her biggest dream is to see Anaemia Free India, which
 Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Society of   compassionate and to stand tall and resilient, in the time of   is a silent killer of mankind and can be easily treated and
                                all adversities.
 India (Azamgarh).                 She started her professional journey with her Husband,   is saddened to see even after 75 years of Independence,
                                Late  Dr  Girish  Chandra  Singh  (MBBS,  MD  Medicine)
                                who was a Physician of District Hospital, Azamgarh   more than 70% of Indian Women are anemic, leading to
                                and Secretary of PMS Association, Azamgarh. But after   high maternal and infant mortality rates. That’s why she
                                passing away of her husband in 2006, the concomitant life   has completely devoted herself to quality healthcare in
                                of a single mother was not a cake walk for her. Working
 Dr. Swasti Singh               single handed in a smaller city like Azamgarh was arduous   Obstetrics and Gynecology and to spread the awareness of
                                and demanding, where most of the patients lived in villages
                                                                                                     its need across India.
                                shrouded  in  illiteracy,  poverty,  backwardness  and  gender
                                discrimination and they came in serious and complicated
 (MBBS, DGO, FICOG, FIAMS)      conditions, badly handled by local unqualified practitioners.
                                But these very challenges compelled her to continue
                                in this place as she knew she could save more lives and
                                people needed her the most here. Here the women had no   Work in Obs & Gynecology by IMA,   for travelling, painting, poetry and
 he is a versatile lady with a rare combination of   reproductive rights of their own, they were denied antenatal   UP State. She feels deeply humbled to   photography. She gets her inspiration
 brain and the finest heart who believes in making   care because their mothers never went to a hospital and   have received Award for contribution   at the time of adversities from our
 a  difference  in  the  world  by  healing  the  down   women used to die, bleeding, because their relatives refused   in  Rotary  Foundation  and  has  been   Epic ‘The Bhagvad Geeta’ which she
 trodden.                       to donate blood and they visited quakes and died of septic   awarded with Paul Harris Fellow   believes is an incredible handbook for
   Dr.  Swasti  Singh  is  Senior  Gynecologist   abortions as that was the only way of contraception which   Certificate.  She  has  been  bestowed   life, with intrinsic value in solving the
 and  Obstetrician  and  Former  President  of   they  knew.  There  was  so  much  to  fight  for,  over  here,   with ‘ Nareetava Gaurav Samman ‘ for   fundamental human problems.
 Indian Medical Association, Azamgarh and   that Dr Swasti never looked back and she is continuously   her commendable contribution in the     Her  biggest  dream  is  to  see
 Former Present of Federation of Obstetrics and   striving to heal and empower women who could have never   field of Women’s Health by the hands   Anaemia Free India, which is a silent
 Gynaecological Society of India (Azamgarh). She   made it to bigger cities.   of her favorite actor, Shabana Azmi ji.   killer  of  mankind  and  can  be  easily
 is a workaholic and has devoted herself completely    Dr Swasti’s mother stood by her like a rock in every     She  has  her  contributions  in   treated and is saddened to see even
 for quality health care for women. She has a passion   thick & thin of life and is still nurtured by her tender hands   the  Azamgarh  Badminton  Club  in   after 75 years of Independence,
 to handle High Risk Pregnancy, Infertility, and has   at the age of 92. .   organizing  State  level  Badminton   more  than  70%  of  Indian  Women
 special  interest  in  Ultrasound,  Foetal  Medicine,    She considers her two daughters, Dr. Esha Singh (M. D   Tournaments in the name of her Late   are anemic, leading to high maternal
 Adolescent and Menopausal care.   from AIIMS, Delhi) and Shivangi Singh (Pursuing Masters   husband  ‘Dr.  G.  C  Singh  Memorial   and infant mortality rates. That’s why
   Her  biggest  inspiration  in  life  has  been  her   in Public Health from John Hopkins University, USA) as   Badminton Tournament’ in years   she  has  completely  devoted  herself
 father and she has inherited the humane part and   her greatest achievements. She considers herself extremely   2013, 2014 and 2015 in Azamgrah. She   to  quality  healthcare  in  Obstetrics
 values from him and is proud to be the d/o the   fortunate to have saved his brother’s life by being a part of   has  also  supported  and  contributed   and  Gynecology  and  to  spread  the
 renowned Hindi Author, Late Markandeya Singh.   his ‘Liver Transplant’.     whole heartedly in the promotion   awareness of its need across India.
 She becomes nostalgic remembering her childhood    She has to her credits many awards for her extraordinary   of theatre, art and culture tree   She has raised her strong voice against
 days  of  2/D  Minto  Road  (Allahabad)  where   contributions in not only healthcare, but various social and   plantations and raising awareness to   the  discrimination  of  Girl  Child,
 Mahadevi Verma, Upendra Nath Ashk, Dushyant   cultural activities as well. She has been bestowed Certificate   save the environment, together with   firmly  supporting  ‘Beti  Bachaao’
 Kumar, Kamleshwar, Nagarjuna, Hazari Prasad   of Appreciation for her outstanding work in the field of   organising  and  actively  participating   for  a  better  tomorrow.  She  believes
 Diwedi, Amrit Rai (Son of Munshi Premchand) to   Obstetrics and Gynecology by IMA, UP in the 79th Annual   in health camps  in remote villages   firmly that a healthy girl will give rise
 name a few, visited during the golden era of Hindi   Conference  at  Aligarh  and  also  received  ‘Best  President   specially during flood times.   to a healthy mother, healthy mothers
 Literature and being a child, she was unaware of   Award’ in the Annual Conference of IMA at Lucknow in    She lives her life fully and strives   will give rise to a healthy family and
 the importance of these literary luminaries. Her   2018. She has been the recipient of the award for the ‘ Best   working to one’s full potential.   healthy families will result in a healthy
 father came to Allahabad as a student and spent his   Lady President’ of local branch and Best Family Planning   Apart from this she possesses a love   nation.
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