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 Prof. Ashraf’s contribution to the scientific society
 has been widely recognized. He is the recipient of
 Visitor’s award-2020 in the category biological sciences.

 Among the major accolades he has received DBT-  Islamia, New Delhi to complete his graduation and masters   both  basic  and  applied  aspects  of   Ashraf’s group discovered previously
 Ramachandran National Bioscience Award and    in Biosciences in the year 1994 and 1996 respectively. During   cardiovascular  biology  and  human   unknown  cause  of  thrombosis  at
 ICMR- Basanti Devi Amir Chand Award in the year   his university days Prof. Ashraf discovered his motivation   disease. He remains a pioneer in the   altitudes  is  centrally  regulated  by  a
                                                                                            field of high altitude thrombosis and
                                               to contribute for human’s epistemological realm. To keep
                                                                                                                         complex network of coagulatory and
 2018. He is the fellow of National Academy of Sciences,   up his motivation and in his quest to contribute to the larger   has done seminal work in resolving   NLRP3-inflammasome   mediated
 Allahabad and Indian Academy of Science, Bangalore.                                                                     inflammatory  responses.  This  novel
 Prof. Ashraf holds the membership of prestigious                                                                        worldwide  and  published  in  the
 Guha Research Conference and National Academy of                                                                        Proceedings of National Academy
                                                                                                                         of  Sciences,  USA;  also  proposed
 Medical Sciences, India.                                                                                                as  potential  therapy  (Nature  India-
                                                                                                                            Among other seminal works, his lab
                                                                                                                         developed a microRNAs mimic-based
                                                                                                                         therapy  against  thrombosis;  for  the
                                                                                                                         first time the antithrombotic potential
                                                                                                                         of microRNAs was established. These
                                                                                                                         preclinical  findings  were  validated
                                                                                                                         in human patients, supporting the
 he world grows at an unprecedented rate in its                                                                          translational  significance  of  miR-
 accomplishments as well as complications. The                                                                           145 for development of a novel
 advancements in human sciences in the recent decades                                                                    antithrombotic. In an another recently
 have been a striking phenomenon of the preceding                                                                        published  study  his  group  identified
 and the current centuries. Yet, a lot must be achieved,                                                                 the  role  of  long  non-coding  RNAs
 for we have only begun to unravel the mystery of the                                                                    in hypoxia induced thrombosis which
 human body. Prof. M Zahid Ashraf has lived with the                                                                     was first of its kind study and received
 ideology “Knowledge coupled with the right resources                                                                    an editorial commentary highlighting
 and diligence can yield marvellous breakthroughs.”                                                                      the same.
 Prof.  Ashraf  was  born  and  raised  in  a  small                                                                        Prof.  Ashraf’s  contribution  to
 village of Bihar named Jalkaura. After completing                                                                       the scientific society has been widely
 his schooling, he moved to Jamia Millia                                                                                 recognized.  He  is  the  recipient  of
                                                                                                                         Visitor’s  award-2020  in  the  category
 Prof. M Zahid Ashraf                          Vallabhbhai Patel Chest Institute which earned him a PhD.   exposure to hypoxia.   accolades  he  has  received  DBT-
                                                                                                                         biological sciences. Among the major
                                               pool of scientific knowledge he did his doctoral research at
                                                                                            the  mystery  of  blood  clotting  on
                                               He further received his post-doctoral training at the Lerner
                                                                                              Amongst the major outcomes of
                                                                                                                         Ramachandran National Bioscience
                                               Research  Institute  of  Cleveland  Clinic,  Cleveland,  Ohio,
                                                                                            his translational research, the landmark
                                                                                                                         Award and ICMR- Basanti Devi Amir
 Unravelling the unprecedented molecular pathways  USA.                                     work was internationally recognized   Chand  Award  in  the  year  2018.  He
                                                                                            and  published  in  prominent  journal
                                                                                                                         is the fellow of National Academy
                                                 On  his  return  to  India,  he  joined  Defence  Institute
                                               of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS) as a scientist   ‘Blood’  in  2014,  received  a  special   of  Sciences,  Allahabad  and  Indian
                                               and  later  moved  to  his  alma-mater,  Jamia  Millia  Islamia,   commentary  by  the  Journal  Blood.   Academy of Science, Bangalore.
                                               currently serving as a Professor & Head in the Department   The study revealed a novel cause   Prof.  Ashraf  holds  the  membership
                                               of  Biotechnology.  Prof.  Ashraf  is  best  known  for  his   for blood clot formation at altitudes   of   prestigious   Guha   Research
                                               pioneering work in High altitude induced thromboembolic   and  proposed  ‘Calpain’  as  a  novel   Conference and National Academy of
                                               disorders. Prof. Ashraf’s work has a significant impact in   biomarker  for  early  diagnosis.  Prof.   Medical Sciences, India.
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