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                                                                                            Under her prudent leadership, the university                                                                                                                         the thought of Winston Churchill   meta scape…as a result, these all are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 “Employ  your  time  in  improving
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the fragments of her home decor
                                                                                               has the highest standards of excellence in                                                                                                                        yourself”.  Along  with  her  multi-  that make her feel close to nature.
                                                                                              teaching, research, management skills, and                                                                                                                         tasking  ability  to  contribute  to  the   She  acquires  every  piece  with  deep
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               thoughts as these are extremely close
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 different diaspora, she has also
                                                                                                        service to the community.                                                                                                                                authored her first book for children--   to her heart.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ‘India  –An  Alphabet  Ride’  in  2014.   It’s  very  difficult  to  encapsulate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 She  is  the  lady  of  substance  who   her journey of passion in just a few
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 believes in her KARMA.        paragraphs.  But  somewhere  we  have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    With so many responsibilities, her   to  limit  the  write-up.  In  this  case,
                                                                                                       s. Shallu Jindal is a lady of Pride & Self-reliance, who                                      of Flag Foundation of India, former   community. On one hand, she believes   Heart for Art is always Green, from   talking  about  her  achievements  can
                                                                                                       finds her passion in her work to uplift the marginalized                                      Chairperson of National Bal Bhavan   this university boosts the students to   an  Eminent  ‘Kuchipudi  Dancer’  to   really influence & motivate the young
                                                                                                    sections with social, economic, educational, and cultural                                        under  the  Union  Ministry  of  HRD,   enhance  their  employability  skills   a  ‘Rare  Art  Collector’,  she  made  a   blood to contribute to making a better
                                                                                                    powers to represent them equally with other vibrant players                                      and the Founder President of Young   through  value-based,  innovation-  representation of versatility. Ms. Shallu   India. She has achieved February 2020
                                                                                                    in the society.                                                                                  FICCI Ladies Organization (YFLO).  driven,  and  employment-oriented   Jindal started the journey of her dance   Urvashi Samman for Her Contribution
                                                                                                      Ms. Shallu Jindal is as precious as a blue diamond but just                                       She explored her acumen of   education to meet the needs of   passion with kathak and achieved   to Indian Dance and Music and
                                                                                                    not an ornament to the Business conglomerate Mr. Naveen                                          graduation in economics and then   productive and responsible resources   accolades from college and state levels.   received  the  Golden  Peacock  Award
                                                                                                    Jindal, in 1994 newly married Shallu went to Raigarh with her                                    specialization in business management   for  global  employers,  with  the  same   Then she paused her dancing career   for Social & Cultural Leadership in
                                                                                                       husband. Young Naveen Jindal used to be extremely                                             for the holistic development of the   length and breadth the university also   for around 8 years and again appeared   November  2019.  Honored  with  the
                                                                                                        occupied with the entrepreneurial aspiration to make                                         extended Jindal family, including   provides  robust  support  to  inculcate   with  a  new  dance  form  ‘Kuchipudi’.   2019 Best CSR Practices Award 2019
                                                                                                       it  large.  The  young  bride  started  spending  her  time                                   20000+  employees  and  their  close   an entrepreneurial culture as well.   This new inning has begun as luck by   in Social Entrepreneurship. She got the
                                                                                                 visiting nearby villages of the JSPL plant. Due to the upbringing                                   ones. Walking on  the path  of  the   She gives full focus on the Students   chance when she met famous dance   2019 Mahatma Award for Leadership
                                                                                                 of The Oswal Family, the importance of contributing to the                                          vision of her father-in-law OP Jindal,   @ OPJU who should be nurtured &   guru Raja Radha Reddy in Tirupati   in  Corporate  Social  Responsibility.
                                                                                                 marginalized people is imbibed in her blood. In this way she got                                    Ms. Shallu Jindal has not left any stone   groomed in the best of hands and so   temple in 2000.  In  the  2018  Beacons  of  Light
                                                                                                 her mantra to get connected to the marginalized people of our                                       unturned to put this tribal-populated   here most of the faculties are from   She has done her study in London   Award, where she was appreciated
                                                                                                 society & their needs from a very early age. This movement of                                       state of Chhattisgarh on the map of   IIT, IIM, and NIT along with Industry   for a couple of years in Interior design   and  honored  for  her  brilliant  dance
                                                                                                 her from Punjab to Chhattisgarh put her on a dynamic diaspora                                       global  education.  She  believes  that   and Research experiences.  and her enthusiasm depicts in every   skills  in  March  2018  by  The  Dance
                                                                                                 where her thoughts started taking shape. As a believer in Shri                                      education empowers the students with   In her eventful journey to   nook & corner of her home. She   India on International Women’s
                                                                                                 Shri Ramakrishna’s school of thought, she started impacting real                                    a critical thinking-generated scientific   transform  OPJU  into  a  world-  believes the fragrance of desi Gulab   Day  by  Trivikram  Publications  in
                                                                                                 faces in real places with the full-throttle support of her husband,                                 approach to solve snags that contest   class  university,  she  embedded  the   petals elevates the sense of positivity,   Vishakhapatnam. The list is endless as
                                                                                                 this is how she became an integral part of JSP’s CSR activities                                     civilization.                 university’s vision and mission to   she loves the painting of earthy colors,   She is just Unstoppable.
                                                                                                 and transformed into a role model to millions and motivation                                           OP   Jindal   University   was   become  such  a  globally  recognized
                                                                                                 to trillions.                                                                                       established   with   an   express   institution, where real-world challenges
                                                                                                    As the wife of the eminent global leader Mr. Naveen Jindal,                                      apprehension to advance the sparkling   practical solutions & innovation
                                                                                                 she is like the other side of the same coin. The dynamic lady                                       ambitions of the tribal youth’s historic   happen by design and not by default.
                                                                                                 has emerged to be the most significant symbol in the areas of                                       tryst with the mission of modernity.   As her aim goes, It should be a center   OP Jindal University was established with
                                                                                                 Business to Education, Arts to National Crisis, and Philanthropy.                                   Under  her  prudent  leadership,  the   to foster global thought leaders who
                                                                                                 She  is  the  Chancellor  of  India’s  first  private  Steel  University                            university has the highest standards   can create a sustainable world for the   an express apprehension to advance the
                                                                                                 ‘OP Jindal University ‘(OPJU) Raigarh and the Chairperson of                                        of excellence in teaching, research,   future generation.        sparkling ambitions of the tribal youth’s
                                                                                                 JSPL Foundation and Jindal Art Institute. She is the President                                      management skills, and service to the   She  has  been  influenced  by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    historic tryst with the mission of modernity.
                   THE UNSTOPPABLE WOMAN                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Under her prudent leadership, the university

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      has the highest standards of excellence in
                Ms. Shallu Jindal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    teaching, research, management skills, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               service to the community.
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