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                                                                                      Dr. Tanish has made the whole country proud and
                                                     r. Sanjay Kumar Tanish, a        earned a name for himself (not only in North-East)
 Dr. Tanish states that in his Patna                  well-known  orthopedist  of   because of his better treatment and services. Keeping in
                                                       Guwahati,  Assam  has  gained
 Orthopedic and Trauma Hospital at                      a lot of fame in such a short   view his contribution to the society, he was invited for
 Guwahati, our soldiers keep visiting for               period, which is amazing.   the Global Excellence Award 2022 held in May and was
                                                        Born  on  February  25,  he
 treatment and I had an opportunity to treat           apart  from  being  a  skilled   honored at the hands of Film actor Anupam Kher.
                                                      Doctor,  is  also  a  fine  social
 hundreds of jawans by now. I never took            worker who prefers treating free
 money from them who laid their lives in          of cost to retired soldiers and officers

 defense of our country, this too is a form of    of Indian Army along with widows   residents. Finally, I started my private   Nehru Medical College from Raipur,
                                                  and his free OPD and free surgeries
 patriotism.                                      are  being  fully  utilized  by  them  in   practice in Guwahati and started Patna   he served as Senior Resident for two
                                                  North-East.  Dr.  Sahjanand  Prasad   Orthopedics and Trauma Hospital in   years  in  Indira  Gandhi  Institute  of
                                                  Singh, a well known Doctor of India   2019 and now I belong to this place   Medical Sciences at Patna. The family
                                                  and the National President of IMA   only. I have scaled up so high and   members  reveal  that  he  was  never
                                                  says that Dr. Tanish has made the   reached a place in North-East because   keen on having a Govt. job and always
                                                  whole country proud and earned a   of  my  better  medical  services  and   focused on having his own private
                                                  name for himself (not only in North-  getting the love and respect of people   practice. With the passing time, he has
                                                  East) because of his better treatment   which is no less than a dream come   earned a lot of name and fame in a
                                                  and services. Keeping in view his   true for me. I always had a loyalty and   short span which is unmatched.
                                                  contribution  to  the  society,  he  was   feelings towards the soldiers of the   In  response  to  a  question  asked
                                                  invited  for  the  Global  Excellence   Indian Army and to me these are real   on Dr. B.C Roy Memorial Committee,
                                                  Award  2022  held  in  May  and  was   heroes. I am fortunate that my field of   Dr. Sanjay Kumar says that Bharat
                                                  honored at the hands of Film actor   work is located along China Border,   Ratna, Dr. Bidhaan Chandra Roy was
                                                  Anupam Kher.                  Shillong,  Arunachal,  Nagaland,  a well known name in medical field,
                                                     Member of Dr. B.C Roy memorial   Mizoram, Manipur and Tripura where   who enjoyed a place in people’s heart,
                                                  Committee and a renowned Doctor   activities of Indian Army are also   his birthday on 1st of July is celebrated
                                                  in Assam, Dr. Sanjay Kumar ‘Tanish   greater.  In an  exclusive  conversation   as Doctor’s day in India. When Indian
                                                  says that people used to migrate from   with Mr. Dinesh Anand, Dr. Tanish   Medical  Association was formed in
                                                  North East to other states due to   states  that  in  his  Patna  Orthopedic   1914, Dr. B.C Roy was also one of its
                                                  lack of good medical facilities and   and  Trauma  Hospital  at  Guwahati,   founding members and also served as
                                                  when  I  became  a  Doctor,  I  realized   our soldiers keep visiting for treatment   Chief Minister of W. Bengal for four
                                                  that getting good treatment is the   and I had an opportunity to treat   times. This great Doctor late B.C Roy
                                                  right of every person and its strange   hundreds of jawans by now. I never   donated his land located at Khajanchi
                                                                                                              Road, Patna to the Trust so that girls
                                                                                took money from them who laid their
                                                  that people migrate just for the sake
 Dr. Sanjay Kumar ‘Tanish’                        of  getting  better  medical  facilities.   lives in defense of our country, this   of  poor  family  could  better  their
                                                                                                              lives  by  studying  in  Aghor  Prakash
                                                  Dr. Sanjay further adds that his
                                                                                too is a form of patriotism.
                                                  better half has a degree in LLB and   The insiders say that Sanjay Kumar   School.  Bihar’s  famous  Orthopedist
 The right combination of medicine and            is  my  mentor  also.  She  (Ms.  Anuja   who did his schooling in Hazaribagh   and  my  Mentor  Dr.  (Captain)  Dilip
                                                                                                              Kumar Sinha is the President of
                                                                                (then  in  Bihar  only)  was  brilliant  in
                                                  Prabha)  only,  advised  me  to  start  a
 social service earned him fame.                  good hospital and as a result I started   studies  since  the  beginning.  He  did   this Institution and Dr. B.C Roy
                                                                                                              Memorial Committee is a part of this
                                                  visiting Guwahati every month from
                                                                                his  MBBS  from  PMCH  and  then
                                                  2015  and  amidst  these  visits,  made   did  internship  too  from  this  Govt.   Organization and I myself is an active
                                                  good relations with many skilled and   College itself. After finishing his Post   member too and feel proud in serving
                                                  qualified  doctors  along  with  local   Graduation from Pandit Jawahar Lal   the needy.
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