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Mr. Prem has spoken at many prestigious forums including the European
Parliament, the United Nations New York, the Italian Senate, the
UK, Australian, Argentinian, and New Zealand Parliaments, the
Prem Rawat Young President’s Organization, and various universities like Harvard
University, Oxford University, Griffith University, University of
Colorado, University of California, etc. In India, He has addressed
A life for Peace & Humanity audiences in IIT Delhi, ISB Hyderabad, IIM Lucknow, IIM Ahmedabad,
MNIT Jaipur, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital Delhi, Shri Ram College
orn in India in 1957, Prem Rawat gave his first public address on the of Commerce Delhi, Infosys Pune, and many more.
subject of peace at the age of four. He went on touring India with
his father, where he spoke to thousands of people. In 1971, at age
13, he made his first visit to the West. Today his message of peace and
humanity has reached 174 countries. Prem has spent more than five
decades traveling the world, speaking in more than 250 cities, and
addressing millions of people live. His message of peace is for all of his vision, he maintains a demanding the fundamental human needs of Nations New York, the Italian Senate, the UK, Australian,
us living a life where stress and conflict are increasingly a part of our travel schedule, attending on average food, water, and peace, provide Argentinian, and New Zealand Parliaments, the Young
everyday existence. 90 speaking engagements across the educational opportunities to deprived President’s Organization, and various universities like
Prem Rawat embraces creativity and cutting-edge technology to further globe every year. communities, and offer help in natural Harvard University, Oxford University, Griffith University,
his work. He is an inventor, musician, artist, photographer, and a highly As a renowned author, Prem calamities so that people can live University of Colorado, University of California, etc.
accomplished pilot with more than 14,500 hours of flying time. To fulfill presents a fascinating and practical with dignity, peace, and prosperity. In India, He has addressed audiences in IIT Delhi, ISB
perspective on the business of life. He Since 2004, several eye clinic camps Hyderabad, IIM Lucknow, IIM Ahmedabad, MNIT Jaipur,
is a best-selling author, adapting age- have been organized in various cities Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital Delhi, Shri Ram College
old stories and retelling them for the of India in which free spectacles and of Commerce Delhi, Infosys Pune, and many more. In
modern audience. His book “Peace medicines have been provided to lakhs respect of his efforts, Prem Rawat has received numerous
is Possible” has been published in 21 of needy people. awards, including the keys to 20 cities, and the honorary
countries by Penguin, while his other Peace Education Programme title “Ambassador of Peace” has been granted to him by
book “When The Desert Blooms” which is running in more than eighty a number of governmental and academic institutions.
acquired the first position in Penguin countries and thirty-five languages In 2012, he was awarded the ‘Asia Pacific Brand Laureate
Random House Spanish nonfiction is a unique programme; it helps International Lifetime Achievement Award’ reserved for
list in 2018. In 2021, Prem’s new book participants discover their inner statesmen and individuals whose actions and work have
“Hear Yourself” published by Harper resources – innate tools for living positively impacted the lives of people and the world at
One, was released worldwide. In this such as choice, hope, inner strength, large.
book, he has written in an interesting and peace. The programme is being Prem Rawat is an international speaker on the topic of
manner on the subjects like Journey presented internationally in many personal peace, attracting audiences from all walks of life.
of Life, Listen Yourself, and How to universities, colleges, war veterans’ He says, “Peace begins with every single human being. Peace
find peace in this noisy world? This groups, correctional facilities, jails, is something that has to be experienced in every heart. The
book has been listed in the New York post-conflict zones, and youth absence of war is not peace. It is people who start the wars.
bestselling category as well. programmes. If people begin respecting peace, then there will be peace.
In 2001, Prem Rawat founded Prem has spoken at many The peace we are looking for is within us. That is where we
‘The Prem Rawat Foundation’ prestigious forums including the will find it. Peace is already there and resides in the heart of
(TPRF) with the mission to address European Parliament, the United all human beings — it always has and always will.”