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Dr. Abhishek won a leaping victory in the election of
Jharkhand Chamber Of Commerce held in September
Dr. Abhishek Kumar last year as an independent. He revealed that leaving
his medical service in America and Europe to
contribute in Jharkhand and contesting the election
Ramadhin of Chamber of Commerce, his aim is to fulfill the
unfulfilled dreams of his late father.
ENT, Head & Neck & Skull Base Surgeon.
Chairman of Health Committee & 18 years of of post corona weakness. But Black and contesting the election of
fungus disease was started infecting
Chamber of Commerce, his aim
Executive Member, Federations of Proficiency the people. He decided to go back is to fulfill the unfulfilled dreams
to operation theater in spite of his
of his late father. Referring to his
Jharkhand Chamber of Commerce severe weakness and saved lives father Late R.D Singh, Dr. Abhishek
said that my father had held many
of 35 patients suffering from black
fungus during the corona period by important positions in Jharkhand and
(Ranchi). r. Abhishek Kumar Ramadhin performing complex surgeries. Dr. was a successful businessman. I will
is a distinguished ENT Abhishek Ramadhin shared that he be able to work on redressal of many
specialist in Ranchi and has had successfully done many skull problems by following his footsteps
gained proficient skill and base surgery including pituitary in addition to medical service.
knowledge in this segment. tumors and others at his hospital at Dr. Abhishek told that he had sent
He pursued MBBS from minimal cost and the sole purpose many proposals to the Govt. before
KEM , Mumbai ,MD from of opening his own hospital is to budget, including the reformation
Dr. Abhishek K Ramadhin Hospital USA and MS- ENT from provide modern facilities to the poor of the Medical System, many of
& Avyaan Research Center at RMDA India. Further he has done at low cost. which have been implemented by
He also said that in his hospital
advance fellowship in Rhinology
Building , PISCA More, Ranchi is dedicated & Anterior Skull Base from USA & skull base tumors eg pituitary the Government. He further shares
that when he was serving in Boston,
for ENT, Skull Base and Head & Neck Neurotology and Lateral Skull Base tumors are removed via nose using that time his father came and asked
Cancer Treatment. The hospital is well from Italy. He has been honored with endoscope with a very fine incision him to serve in India and following
many awards including Best Surgical
his advice, Dr. Abhishek started
and minimal blood loss and the
equipped with cutting -edge technology and Video for his complex surgeries. He patient can be discharged within 24 treating patients at very low cost in
hrs. The pituitary tumor operations
has done many medical researches
the latest world class approaches to provide and publish many papers in medical done in his hospital at an expense of Dr. Abhishek K Ramadhin
high quality clinical care. journals. about one lakh, which would have Hospital & Avyaan Research
His strong intention to serve the cost around 5 lakhs in other hospital. Center at RMDA Building , PISCA
people and save their lives is making Dr. Abhishek won a leaping More, Ranchi is dedicated for
him move towards his destination. victory in the election of Jharkhand ENT, Skull Base and Head & Neck
He had very bad corona infection Chamber Of Commerce held Cancer Treatment. The hospital is
and was on oxygen for many days in September last year as an well equipped with cutting -edge
but just few days after his discharge independent. He revealed that leaving technology and the latest world class
from hospital, when he could barely his medical service in America and approaches to provide high quality
manage to get up from bed because Europe to contribute in Jharkhand clinical care.